===== Thrown ===== Thrown is an entry applied to [[Action|Actions]] in [[combat|combat]] [[scenario|scenarios]]. An Action with a Thrown entry may be played as either [[melee|melee]] or [[range|ranged]]. Unlike most ranged Actions, Thrown Actions played as ranged may be performed even if one or more enemies are present in the occupied section, including against targets that are in the occupied section. When a Thrown Action is played from a [[weapon|Weapon]] as a ranged Action, the Weapon is then unequipped and placed in the target's occupied section (which may also be the attacker's occupied section if the Action is played as ranged instead of melee against a target in the same section). The Weapon can be picked up (and optionally [[equip|equipped]]) as a [[Strategy|Strategy]] by an [[entity|entity]] in its occupied section. The DM determines if a given [[Adversary|Adversary]] is capable of doing this.